Staying Focused in A Distracted World

The Power of Deep Work

Good morning and Assalamu alaikum, mindfull community!

I hope this letter finds you well.

For the first time in nearly 10 years, my husband and I are putting down roots. It’s exciting, but also a little unsettling

The transition from military family to civilian family has brought a lot of unknowns, which has led me to scale back on some of my personal and business goals.

Perhaps you’ve experienced similar transitions—where life demands that we slow down and maintain rather than push forward.

Have you ever felt like everything around you is moving at a different pace than your own life? 

If you said yes, then same.

One of the biggest adjustments of living in SoCal is that everything here seems so constant, while my life, like all of our lives, is constantly changing.

In NY and NC, the seasons were a reminder of the natural ebb and flow of life.

Here, I’ve had to create my own sense of seasons and routines that feel intuitive, which has been a challenge, especially with this move.

Although I had some systems to fall back on like my morning azkar and salah, not having a routine reminded me of and highlighted some areas of improvement in my wellness journey.

The main area being my focus.

How often do you find yourself distracted, thinking about what you should be doing instead of what you’re currently doing? It’s a common struggle, the average person spends nearly half their day distracted by thoughts of what they should be doing instead of what they are doing.

Imagine how much more peaceful and productive we could be if we channeled that time into focused, meaningful, and intentional work...

I don’t believe that Life is solely about production, however, I do believe the more focused and efficient we are, the more freedom we have for spontaneity, family, and worship.

So, this season, I’ve made improving my focus a priority.

If you want to learn how to improve your focus and live more intentionally, keep reading or listening.

Insha’Allah we can embark on this journey together.

If all we are going to do is go through the motions of life: eat, sleep, get married, have children, work, retire and then die...then it's true, life doesn't mean anything. But if we strive to make our life full of meaning and fulfil our purpose, then it all makes sense.”

Mohammed Faris

Section 1: Changing Anxiety Into Curiosity

The Season of Maintenance:

Rather than stressing myself out over not meeting the goals I set for myself, I had to accept that this is a season of maintenance not growth.

Instead of letting anxiety take over, I’m trying to reframe it as a curiosity and it led me to these questions:

What can we learn from these seasons?

How can we grow in ways that aren’t immediately visible?

How can we show ourselves love and gratitude even when we’re not in a state of constant production?

I concluded that many of these answers come down to being present.

One quote that I love is ‘Be where your feet are.’

It’s a reminder to help us stay grounded, to avoid ‘time traveling’ into future worries or past mistakes, and to focus on the blessings right in front of us.

Here are a few habits I’ve incorporated into my days to help me be more intentional:

  1. Tech-free walks: Spending time outside without any distractions helps me reconnect with the present moment.

  2. Less screen time and more green/blue time: Humans have spent about 99.99% of our existence outdoors and it has been proven that spending more time in nature has substantial beneficial effects on our cognition and mental health. Our physical and spiritual health too 💕

  3. Planning my day the night before: This simple act has helped me stay focused and reduce decision fatigue. I’ve been using Sunsama for about a year now to help me stay focused. I highly suggest this app for any other ADHD girlies who may be reading this. You can probably find a 14-day free trial online but if you click my link you can get a full 30 days for free. You’re welcome 😉 💕

Like we discussed before, when you are more present you almost “expand time” as you are actively taking in more information.

I’ve found when I intentionally make time to be more mindful, my mind is better able to process what’s going on around me.

This gives me more space or “bandwidth” to focus on the tasks that require more attention e.g. projects, creating content, and writing programs.

'Whoever knows the real value of time knows life itself, for time is life.”

Imam Hasan al-Banna

Section 2: How to Achieve Deep Focus in a Distracted World

I know how overwhelming it can be to juggle work, family, and spiritual practices, especially when distractions keep pulling you away from what truly matters.

It can leave you feeling scattered, stressed, and distant from the peace that comes from being present in both your ibadah and your daily tasks.

It’s hard to stay on track when everything feels urgent and important.

But if everything is urgent and important… then nothing truly is.

Our faith teaches us to be mindful, to have khushu’ in our prayers, and to be present in every action.

It stresses the importance of beginning every action with intention.

This is where the practice of deep work comes in — a state of focused, undistracted concentration that allows us to accomplish more while staying connected to our intentions and values.

To level up my concentration, I’ve been reading ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport, and while some of the suggestions feel a bit privileged—like going into ‘monk mode’ for three days a week—there are many suggestions that I’m finding helpful.

Here’s how deep work can benefit us:

Cognitive Benefits: Deep work sharpens your focus, boosts creativity, and makes tackling tasks feel more effortless. Imagine how much more you could achieve if your mind wasn’t constantly pulled in a thousand directions.

Spiritual Benefits: When you work deeply, you embody the mindfulness that our deen encourages, allowing you to feel closer to Allah in everything you do, from your work to your worship.

Lifestyle Benefits: With deep work, you’ll reduce that overwhelming feeling, find more time to dedicate to your loved ones, and balance your life in a way that feels fulfilling and aligned with your values.

5 Practical Steps for a Focused Day:

When you decide to enter a round of deep work, whether that’s in the morning after fajr or at night after work, it is important to ensure you will not be distracted.

To lock in during your deep-work sessions and create pockets of intentional work throughout the day:

  1. Put your phone on DND, and place people like your parents, spouse, and children on the favorites list so they can contact you in an emergency.

  2. Set firm boundaries with yourself that you will not use the internet for that 1-4 hours you are studying Qur’an or working.

  3. Utilize the energy mapping we discussed in previous weeks to prevent burnout

  4. Make Time for Boredom throughout your day to refresh your mind

  5. Do this deep work at the same time every day if you can.

    1. consistency → momentum→success

“How to Deep Work”

One of the methods Cal Newport discussed that I’m excited to try again is time-blocking.

When we first wake up, we get a hit of cortisol to help us stay alert, but how many of us stay up after fajr even when we know we’d have a better day?

Yea me neither, BUT, this is a goal of mine.

I’ve found in the past that when I wake up for tahajjud , make fajr and then start my day, I get more done, have more energy, and feel more accomplished.

The majority of the world is asleep,

There are little to no distractions,

And In this last 3rd of the night it’s just you and Al-Waliyy.

What a beautiful way to start your day, right? #muzzyhack

InshaAllah tomorrow I will start doing this again.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

In a world full of distractions, deep work isn’t just about getting more done; it’s about living a life that’s in harmony with your intentions, where you’re fully present in each moment and moving closer to your goals, both in this life and the next.

I’m going to give you a challenge. 😊

Tomorrow I want you to dedicate just one hour to deep work.

Turn off distractions, focus on a task that brings you closer to your goals, and see how it transforms your day.

Feel free to shoot me an email or dm to let me know how it goes, and remember, you’re never alone on this journey.

That’s the beautiful thing about community 😌.

InshaAllah I’ll talk with you all again next week!

Abundant light and radiant health,


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