Finding Balance in the Chaos of Change šŸŒæ

We've finally moved in!

Good afternoon, mindfull community!

Alhamdulillah, weā€™ve finally moved into our new home.

As exciting as this new chapter is, I wonā€™t lieā€”itā€™s been a whirlwind of stress, boxes, and endless to-do lists.

I know many of you might be going through your own transitions right now, whether itā€™s a new job, moving homes, or simply navigating the ups and downs of life.

Today, I want to continue to talk about how we can find balance and maintain our well-being during chaotic times.

5 Tips To Help With Grounding

1. Embrace the Uncertainty

One thing Iā€™ve learned during this move is that itā€™s okay to not have everything perfectly in place.

The boxes might stay unpacked for a little longer, and thatā€™s okay.

Life is full of uncertainties, and learning to embrace them can be a powerful tool in maintaining our mental and emotional health.

Remember, Allah swt is the best of planners, we simply need to trust the process.

2. Prioritize Your Physical Rest

In the hustle and bustle of moving, I found myself neglecting my physical restā€”staying up late, lifting heavy boxes, and not getting enough sleep.

One day I didnā€™t sleep at allā€¦big mistake.

Our bodies can only take so much before they demand a break.

If youā€™re going through a stressful period, make sure to carve out time for physical rest.

This could mean a short nap, a few moments of deep breathing, or sitting down with a cup of tea or a meal to recharge.

Our bodies will make the time if we donā€™t.

3. Stay Connected to Your Spiritual Roots

During chaotic times, itā€™s easy to let our spiritual practices slip.

But this is when we need them the most.

Take a few moments each day to reconnect with Allah, whether itā€™s through a short dua, reading a verse from the Qurā€™an, or simply sitting quietly in reflection.

Each morning, I try my best to do my morning athkar using the ā€œAzkarā€ app and it helps me stay grounded throughout the day.

Even when I ā€œdonā€™t have the timeā€, getting at least 5 of them done can make a world of difference.

Spiritual rest can help ground us and bring a sense of peace when many things are happening outside of our control.

4. Create Small Moments of Joy

Moving and change can feel overwhelming, but itā€™s important to find small moments of joy.

For me, it was setting up a cozy corner in our old place where I could relax and unwind.

Around the end of Asr, the warm orange glow of the sun would penetrate my living room window, and in a very cat-like manner, I would frequently find myself in this sunspot.

After over 24 hours with little to no rest, I set up some blankets, got my delivered California Fish grill, some Game of Thrones, and just vibed.

It was such a beautiful and much-needed moment of decompression.

Whether itā€™s a 5-minute break to read something inspiring, listening to your favorite nasheed, or enjoying a favorite snackā€”these small moments can make a big difference in how you feel.

5. Give Yourself Grace

Itā€™s easy to fall into the trap of perfectionism, especially when youā€™re in a new environment and want everything to be just right.

But remember to give yourself grace.

Itā€™s okay to not have it all together.

What matters is that youā€™re doing your best, and thatā€™s more than enough.

Gems for this week:

1. Finding Calm Amidst Chaos šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø: A few years ago while looking for Islamic alternatives to Headspace, my go-to meditation app at the time, I found Sabr. One of their meditations actually brought me to tears, subhanaAllah. I highly recommend checking out their Gratitude meditations.

2. Comfort in Routine šŸµ: Create a small daily routine, even if itā€™s just for 10 minutes, that brings you comfort and stability. Iā€™ve found that starting and ending my day with the Azkar app and about 12 oz of water helps me feel more grounded and ready for my day.

As we all navigate the chaos, in our personal lives and throughout the world, I hope this newsletter brings you a sense of calm and reminds you that youā€™re not alone.

Weā€™re in this together, and Iā€™m so grateful to have this community.

InshaAllah weā€™ll chat next week.

And As always,

Sending you all abundant light and radiant health.

Assalaamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu šŸ’•